

Utilities software Kraken licences first ever broadband deal

Kraken Utilities, part of Octopus Energy Group, has landed its first broadband deal by licensing to disruptor Cuckoo. The deal was struck within a year of the launch of Kraken Utilities, which was created to take Kraken to utilities beyond energy, such as broadband and water.

    updateBroadbandNews updates

Introducing even faster full fibre Cuckoo

Can we get a drum roll please? Because from October, we'll be launching our very own full fibre with speeds up to 1 gigabit per second. And if you can't tell, we're very excited.


We've removed passwords from My Account

Here at Cuckoo, keeping your account for your eyes only is of the utmost importance. That’s why we’re changing how you sign in to your Cuckoo account. From today, this will be via a passwordless login, also known as a magic link.

    updateNews updates

Introducing the Cuckoo Content Hub

Today marks the launch of the all-new Cuckoo Content Hub: a home to our blogs, guides & news updates. Discover what to expect.

How fast can you go?