Give our new router an eero's router
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a super cute little white thingy. The eero Pro6 router is a game changer for your home broadband.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a super cute little white thingy. The eero Pro6 router is a game changer for your home broadband.
For those unavoidable moments, when your internet connection suddenly drops off and you’re in the middle of that important Teams call, or series finale or Hyrule quest, your eero will now come to your rescue.
If you’re one of the many Brits who’ll be staycationing this summer, we recommend packing something a little extra – your broadband security.
From kids’ screentime to logging off work, your eero keeps you in control of devices without even having to think about it.
Whether it’s catching up with mates, getting your hits on TikTok or finally mastering that ‘double under’ jump rope trick, we all love a bit of internet. But it also has a dark side. Luckily, the same bit of kit that gets you online can also help keep you safe from it.
The eero Pro 6E router is built for speed. And security. And reliability. And simplicity. And, well, everything you ever wanted your router to be. It can keep over 100 devices connected without breaking a sweat. So you can stream, game and WFH at the same time.
Buffering in the boxroom? Dead spot in the dining room? Laa..aa..agg on the lawn? We’ve all been there. When your so-called home Wi-Fi doesn’t reach every corner of your home, let alone the garden. But help is at hand. And it’s called mesh Wi-Fi.