
Cuckoo launches Eggspress Wi-Fi to get you online FAST

Matthew Garner | Product Manager

With Eggspress Wi-Fi you can get your home online tomorrow!

Switching is broken

Broadband customers in the UK typically wait 14 days to get connected. And in the age of Amazon Prime and same day groceries this is 100% not good enough! Customers deserve better.

Home movers often get it worst, only discovering these lengthy timelines once they’ve already moved in.

In fact, 72% of people who moved home in the last 6 months had at least 1 day without internet in their new home, with 1 in 5 people having to wait more than a week!

Introducing Eggspress Wi-Fi

From today when you sign up to Cuckoo you’ve got the choice to add on  Eggspress Wi-Fi – our 4G wireless internet dongle, shipped to you the next working day (and soon to be the same day in some areas).

We automatically check your mobile coverage to make sure you can get great 4G speeds. If you can get them AND you choose Eggspress Wi-Fi, we then turbocharge your delivery and get all your broadband kit to you the very next day.

Your 4G dongle will then give your home a Wi-Fi signal until your fibre broadband is live. Which means you're online ASAP while, behind the scenes, we're activating the fastest, fairest, feel-good broadband!

It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

It also comes with our online guarantee - so if your fibre takes longer than expected to activate we’ll extend Eggspress Wi-Fi for as long as you need it.

Our in-house technology makes it possible for us to seamlessly switch you from 4G to Fibre behind the scenes. When your fibre is activated you’ll just notice the speed boost!

Loads of sweet, sweet data

The Average UK home uses around 9GB of data per day, and on a pay as you go data plan that could easily cost £100 to cover 30 days of Mobile broadband ( O2 PAYG plans).

But With Eggspress Wi-Fi, you get all-you-can-eat data + free next day delivery included, for just £40!

Those key facts again

  • Get online as early as next day for an additional £40 when you place your order
  • 4G dongle activated on arrival gives you unlimited data until your fibre is activated
  • Return your dongle or keep it for an additional £40

What else is coming up

We’re always looking to improve the experience for members of our flock, whether you’ve just landed or been roosting with us for years.

We’re looking at:

  • Upgrading Eggspress Wi-Fi to 5G
  • Offering mobile broadband as a stand alone for those who prefer to live untethered
  • Even faster delivery!

Have your say on what you'd like to see by chatting to us on Twitter ( @CuckooInternet) or dropping us a message at

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